

Our memory is an integral part which declines with ages. To improve your memory during exams these tips and tricks are effective ways for improving memory.  1. GET A QUALITY SLEEP Going to bed at same time and waking up at the    same time each morning is very important for a sharp memory. Scheduled sleep improves          memory power very much just don't break this , routine.  2. BRIGHT SCREEN EFFECT Avoid bright screens before sleep. The light emitted by the screen inhibits production of MELATONIN a hormone responsible for sleep wake cycle.  Without quality sleep the neurons can no longer coordinate.  So just turn off your device before sleep.  3. DIETS   Add these diets for a sharp memory a) green vegetables b) whole grains c) legumes d) nuts e) chicken f) olive oil AVOID THESE FOODS DURING EXAMS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE a) sugar b) butter c) red meat d) cheese These foods encourages drowsiness and you will forget very easily that you have learned for your ex